Preserving Sami Culture

Josef and Laila Buljo, reindeer herders, raise their children, (Anne Laila, Risten and Aslak) in Norway.  They are serious about educating them within Sami culture. They are raising them to be free and teaching them to discuss everything. In Sami society male and female roles are clearly defined to make sure the families can be self-sufficient. During the summers, when the sun never sets, the women work hard to ready their familes for winter. Laila scrapes reindeer hides clean; she [...]

By |2017-01-27T10:23:34-05:00June 11th, 2015|Families of the world|Comments Off on Preserving Sami Culture

Thinking of you in Solomons

This morning my mind is in The Solomon Islands as there has been a tsunami alert after an strong earthquakes.  I look to the map and hope Isabel Island is far enough form the Santa Cruz islands for my family to be safe.Like if it was yesterday: A day in Nareabu... 6:00 The church keeper beats on an empty gas canister hanging from a breadfruit tree. The Fihu family rise quickly, put on their church clothes and quietly join the [...]

By |2017-01-27T10:23:34-05:00February 6th, 2014|Reflecting|Comments Off on Thinking of you in Solomons

Read the first Chapter

Working, writing and producing  in two languages is a timely exercise.  Each language is a philosophy, a humour, a poetry that seems to move something else within me. It brings another world to reach and to talk to, other tones, other colours.  I post on Facebook and want to speak to the world and two languages are not enough. Sometimes, because of this, I go into silence. I had a friend who would stutter in French and did not in [...]

By |2021-12-31T12:34:37-05:00November 13th, 2013|Blog, Books, Reflecting, Reflecting|0 Comments


   Back in 1986, in the Matsuo family…   Takako,  feels responsible for her children’s future, and she measures her worth by their success.  She believes her nurturing and encouraging them will instil in her children the confidence and self-worth necessary to survive the rigors of their educational life.   That day, at 7h30, after dinner, Takako removes the cover from the bathtub.  The water she ran one hour before is still hot.  After she and the two children shower, they [...]

By |2017-01-27T10:23:35-05:00March 19th, 2011|Blog, Blog, Blog, Blog, Families of the world, Families of the world|Comments Off on Yokohama

Le regard

REGARD My project is a story of regard.  When I started giving conferences in English I realized that when I decided to quit everything else to do this project, I might have been making a cultural choice. Would I have lived this adventure if my mother tongue was another.  In French there is only one word for eyes, looks, outlook.  So when I thought that I wanted to capture le  regard of  men, women and children. I wanted to capture all of their [...]

By |2017-01-27T10:23:36-05:00June 11th, 2010|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Le regard
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