Helene introduces the world’s residents to one another by living with, photographing, and writing about families who represent the conditions of living of the majority in every country of the world.
Helene Tremblay is a world researcher, author, photographer and an internationally acclaimed inspirational keynote speaker who shared life of more then 140 families in 111 countries.
Helene is the author of 15 books depicting an intimate portrait of daily life worldwide, Helen’s books are published and distributed in Canada, USA, Australia and France.
Helene Tremblay has engaged over 100,000 participants in conferences spanning Europe, Africa the Middle East and North America through her inspired ability to bring audiences into the homes, lives and heart of humanity. She nows offer, following her conference, a workshop entitled “Show your strength, show your spirit.”
A series of thematic works narrating life’s ritualized moments as lived across cultures, Helene’s intimante portrait of humanity hase been exibited twice at the United Nations in New York, at the Cultural Foundation of Abu Dhabi as well as in France, Germany and Canada.
Fifteen books have been published and 100,000 distributed in Canada, USA, Australia and France. Some of her work is published in Families of the World: The Americas and the Caribbean and Families of the World: East Asia, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific. One day in Kombre, Mali and a childrens series. Two photo exhibitions of her work have taken place at the United Nations in New York, at the Cultural Foundation of Abu Dhabi and some have traveled in France and Germany.
Precursor of the view that to know one another is essential to human evolution, Helene Tremblay, initiated the ambitious journey of presenting Humanity to Humanity, an adventure unfolding over 3 decades.
A Unique Life’s work

* Recognized as one of the activities of UNESCO’s World Decade for Cultural Development.
* Felicitated for good services and research on Humanity and Human Rights by Karnataka Human Rights Defenders Forum (India 2016)
Prestigieux support
Helene’s project has received support from agencies such as CIDA , UNICEF, UNFPA and UNESCO and companies such as Olympus and the Body Shop International.
Helene Tremblay was TV producer in an advertising agency in Paris when she had the idea of presenting Humanity to Humanity. Helene Tremblay has raised the finances to visit families in 116 countries. She has produced two exhibitions at the United Nations in New York, one the Cultural Foundation of Abu Dhabi and three have traveled in France, Germany and in Puerto Rico. She has published books for the government of Australia and began a series on Africa. She is the founder of two companies Families the World and Human Space. Helene Tremblay is an author, photographer, and an inspirational speaker. She is a role model for young people in search of discovering and communicating with the world.
Originally from Abitibi, a region north of Quebec
1974 Career in the film industry
1981 Helene conceives the project to present Humanity to Humanity through the families of the world
1983 First travel and family visits in South America
1984 Involvement in the project by the United
Nations and the Canadian government
1986 Travels in East, South-East Asia, and the Pacific
1988 Publication of first volume
1988 and 1990
Two photographic exhibitions at the United
Nations in New York. Publication of volume 2
1990 Family visits in Europe
1994 Recognition of Helene’s photography (see exhibitions)
1997 Series of 12 books published by Peguis Publishers for children
1997 Beginning of travels to visit the families of Africa
2003 Production of a DVD and book on Mali in the Africa Series. Exhibition at the launching of the Alliance for a New Humanity in Puerto Rico.
2004 Travels continue to families of Africa and the Arab World
2006 Exhibition at the Cultural Foundation of Abu Dhabi
2006-2008 Conferences across North America
2009 Incorporates Human Space Inc.
2011 Voyage into the heart of Humankind. French book published.
2012 English book in translation.
2016 Travels to the families of Central and South Asia