Vox pop
Vox pop
You are so right, your message of peace and tolerance is needed now more than ever. You spoke so eloquently. You have such fascinating stories, and a very graceful, smooth, flowing way of telling them. You are such a professional. There certainly WAS very valuable, fascinating and captivating content to what you said.
Suzannah Baum (Caps, 2017)
Public speaking & presentation skills training
The reality is that your talk, passion, and provocative pictures remain with me still. You are a passionate and wonderful story teller. Your stories changed my understanding of the world.
Nancy Trites Botkin, Think8 Attending Helene Tremblay’s talk at Google – women@google – Montreal on the International Day of the girl, the October 11th, 2012
I thoroughly enjoyed your presentation and came away feeling uplifted and that there were easy ways I could impact my community locally and globally. Humanity and the state of humanity, in ways, can be such a daunting topic, but you were able to make your point and still let me leave feeling empowered.
Brant Hinkey,
Manager, National Recruitment, University of Alberta
I can tell you that you have had a profound impact on my students. They really appreciated your lecture. One student wrote, “…an absolutely breathtaking and conscious raising experience. I was deeply enthralled and dare I say conspicously envigorated. I learned something I will take and use for the rest of my life: THINK GLOBALLY.”
Michele Companion, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
It was such a rejuvenating experience to have met you at the Peace for Economy, in Bengalore meeting and I thank you for making me more knowledgable on the term happiness! It was truly heart touching.
Asraar, Peace for Economy, India
“Our view of the world changed in one morning. Helene Tremblay took us on a visual journey around our planet Earth. Her beautiful photos and stories introduced us to families in many countries. Our hearts and minds were changed in the process.
David Armor, Gloucester County Human Relations Commission, New Jersey
Your intercultural experience is outstanding and you are bringing up the real key issues. Nobody can remain unaffected! You are just the kind of keynote speaker that we need in order to promote intercultural understanding.
Monica Flodman, Associate Region Director, The International Baccalaureate Organisation, Central & Eastern Europe and the Nordic Countries.
We here at CODE are still abuzz from your presentation. Everyone emailed me to say how much they enjoyed your presentation and especially how you have changed the way that they will view the world – this from many people who have been abroad many, many times. Garth Brooks, Program Manager, Canadian Education, CODE/Project Love
“Thanks so much for promoting the Helene Tremblay’s presentation…it was a significant and moving presentation of families, compassion and connectedness. What a perfect segue into my first class of social studies this afternoon…her words…her slides and her heart were profound…” Larry Teacher
Thank you very much for your very educational, entertaining and thought-provoking presentation “Travels into the heart of humankind.” Wehave received many positive comments, which indicates you struck a chord with the audience. The presentation gave a new perspective on how to look at our fellow humans in other areas of the world.
Christina M. Martinez, Interim Dean, Kraemer Family Library University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Ah oui je me retrouve encore à vibrer de nos sessions… as well as the impact of your key note. I am telling those around me of how blessed I feel about my experience of working with you. And although people get it, I think it is difficult to “truly get it” without having heard you share your stories.
Natalie Roper, The millenium scholarship conference, Toronto, January 2009…. Manager, Centre for Human Relations & Community Studies, Concordia University
A sincere thank you for your excellent presentation today. You succeeded in encouraging all of us, teachers and students, to question our assumptions and to consider different perspectives for seeing ourselves related to others and to understand our shared humanity.
Rosemary Evans, Director of Academic Studies, Branksome Hall, Toronto
Oman : « At The American International School of Muscat, our teachers prepared their students ….Still, we were not prepared for how moving and poignant her message was. Our students were deeply moved by her message and everyone wants her back for more! »
Excellent+++++Wow! Rich of experience, inspirational, true…sensible, hope… A welcome to a loving outlook on humanity that is indispensable. Very interesting for internationalism Very aligned with the IB vision Very good, really refreshing. It inspires smiling to life!!! Wow! 🙂 Magnifique
Evaluations – Colloquium Sebiq 2015 (IB teachers)
We all appreciated your story-telling talent. Never before had we had such a knowledgeable speaker who, having seen so much, shared it with such passion. You taught us how to see the beauty in the world, and the world seen through your eyes was a refreshingly new and inspiring experience.
Sylvain Lauzon, Teacher, Quebec
Thank you very much for your very educational, entertaining and thought-provoking presentation “Travels into the heart of humankind.” We have receivec many positive comments, which indicates you struck a chord with the audience. The presentation gave a new perspective on how to look at our fellow humans in other areas of the world. Christina M. Martinez, Interim Dean, Kraemer Family Library, Univesity of Colorado at Colorado Springs.
Hélène gave an inspiring presentation. She could certainly make any person take on a new appreciation for our planet and those of us who live on it. I would recommend her presentation for every teacher & student. Kathy Amenta, Past President, “ Reading for the love of it Conference, Toronto
I could not resist the temptation, Helene, to scribble (in the dark) the many profound and poetic statements that were an integral part of your presentation. Like a rich wine, your thoughts are distilled from the vats of experience, giving the listener so much to savour and to linger over. Noelle Jack, President, “ Reading for the love of it Conference”
Your intercultural experience is outstanding and you are bringing up the real key issues. Nobody can remain unaffected! You are just the kind of keynote speaker that we need in order to promote intercultural understanding. Monica Flodman, Associate Region Director, The International Baccalaureate Organisation, Central & Eastern Europe and the Nordic Countries.
While her presentation is not grounded in theories, nor is it scientific, it is very socially situated around families and their consistencies throughout geography. I believe that her presentation would be particularly good for Intro Soc. and Family course students, although in no way is it necessarily limited to those two academic audiences. Sue Kent
You succeeded in encouraging all of us, teachers and students, to question our assumptions and to consider different perspectives for seeing ourselves related to others and to understand our shared humanity. Rosemary Evans, Director of Academic Studies, Branksome Hall, Toronto
“I was deeply touched, moved, and inspired by what you are doing. Your project is incredible and your compassion for the earth and its inhabitants is contagious.” Jon-David Roway
I was moved by your vision about the meaning of being a citizen of Earth. You made me see & explore new things, and I was happy with this exploration! For this reason, I sent to my friends some of your words that you have said during your presentation. It was a humane mixture of geography, adventure, philosophy and poetry! Thank you for your great effort that challenges the “traditional” and “normal”! It helps to build a better world.
Rami Abu Hamdeh, Abu Dhabi
“..Ms. Tremblay’s talk was entertaining, insightful and thought provoking. I appreciated and enjoyed how she challenged existing viewpoints about poverty, materialism and how culture and nature interact.” Alexandria Jong
“A real different vision of the world. Very interesting.” Jacques Leclerc
“You leave no one indifferent. Bravo! Isabel
“I have two children and I will look at them differently with more love and tenderness.” Marian
“Tonight, you have touched the heart of my humanity and you have wrapped me with your compassion. What joy!” Sylviane
“A most inspiring testimonial. It is with people like you, that the hope in a better life for all touches less
Not only is Helene Tremblay a brilliant artist, she is also a brilliant speaker, and the places she speaks and the people she speaks to absorb her tangents and her wisdom and her talent at photography, and then reflect them, amplify them, until there is nothing the room but Helene Tremblay and her inspiring ideas….she has given back to us as thoroughly and as well-spoken as Shakespeare and Picasso. She has truly taken humanity to present to humanity.
She is a wonderful role-model for all those who cherish life. She is an innovator and a visionary…There are many ways in which I can change the world, Ms. Tremblay has shone me that and inspired me to do something great with my life.
The true passion within you combined all passions of all the girls who attended and revived humanity within each soul…So thank you, you’ve been an inspiration, or let me say, you’ve been a motivation for us to change the world. Rama Halaseh, 12 IB Jordan : The Ahliyya School for Girls, Amman
“I thought that her opinions on global conscience and her possible solutions to some of our global issues were extremely creative, thoughtful, possible – not very difficult to implement in our everyday lives. I admire her creativity and drive to achieve what many would consider impossible…. Lately, I have been a bit more focused on fitting in and being like everyone else, just a face in the crowd, but hearing Helene Tremblay’s speech reminded me once again that we should celebrate who we are, and share everything that we have to give with the world. “ Sophomore student
“As you mentioned after the conference about Families of the world, I am speechless as well…” Laura, Teacher’s college student

Helene – Thank you for your stories, your vision and your authenticity. I will be forever grateful for the grace with which you reframed our definition of poverty.
Toni Newman, CAPS
It was such a rejuvenating experience to have met you at the Peace for Economy conference, in Bengalore and I thank you for making me more knowledgable on the term happiness! It was truly heart touching.
Asraar, Peace for Economy, India